It was much easier  months ago to get money than it is compared to now no  interest rates a record low but the benchmark rate that the banks  used to work at your serviceability . percent P&I; economy which is very high  compared to historical rates so what does this really mean for you as an investor it really means that if you  take take time out and research the market and do fundamental analysis these are some of the returns you’ll be able  to get the next years now here’s an example of prices compared to and areas like mulling Tintin insula for example.

Property prices have done really  well you know you’ve got they start the $, and now they’re selling for. million dollars you know you have areas like a box Hill for example , for an average house in. million currently they look at the growth on that property since to I mean that is a huge growth you know that those years growth is extraordinary now can you imagine having a conversation with someone you know someone like in clayton saying your house.

That’s thousand is going to eventually be worth . million in what do you think that person in will tell you Conrad you’re crazy or  insane who’s gonna buy them we can’t afford to pay our mortgage thousand property valuation sydney right now and we’re not millionaires so what’s going to happen in Claytor and all these million is going to move in and what’s closing something for now .

Million imagining more than the same to someone you know your house mister home owner is with two hundred forty five thousand ninety three Avengers member with . million do you honestly believe that person in would accept the fact  that their house is going to be worth . million does guarantee you they’re going to accept that you know and did it happen with the fact now it’s the same thing now do you believe that if I tell people in mall when their house this was  .

Million is going to be worth nine million in in years do you think honestly we accept that there’s no way they’re gonna accept that they can’t tell me it’s it’s not gonna happen you know it’s impossible who can afford nine million dollar mortgages is  it gonna happen it’s guarantee it’s going to happen in my opinion anyway if I’m wrong ring me up years from now on sue me by the way with real estate if I make any of these predictions and I’m wrong years from now I’ll tell you what I’m prepared to do I’m prepared to give you  the original price that you pay for that property in any time of the day so if you buy a property currently movin for. million years from now if you haven’t made money come back to me I’ll give you the original price but like a brand new property imagine that huh anyway.